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Somebody up there seems to love me…

Posted on March 14th, 2013 by

It’s all go go go here at Rob Waine Dressage. Alot seems to have happened since my last post.

I would say that the biggest news is… I have been extremely lucky to have attracted my first sponsor!!! I still can’t believe it myself and have taken to pinching myself on a regular basis just to make sure its not all a dream! Equine Essentials Direct is a local equestrian store here in Chalfont St Giles that caters for all your horsey needs, from the on off rider to the regular competitor. I was absolutely thrilled when Dawn and Laura approached me to say they were interested in supporting my competition horses and I! To stay in touch with the exciting future ahead keep checking out the Facebook page and website for updates on offers in their fantastic store. Alternatively take a moment to check them out on or

Back home training is going well; Robbie has taken to the Elementary work and seems to be getting stronger as the weeks go on. I really make sure I mix up his schooling sessions with lots of hacking. He finds the schooling work so easy I wouldn’t want to take advantage on his tall weak body. We are also lucky to be 100 yards from the Hodegemoor Woods. It is managed by a charitable organization that raises money to maintain the miles of off road routes for all of the local horse riders! Throughout last year I held a couple of clinics where proceedings were donated to the fab cause.

Talking of competitions and clinics…

We popped over to a very windy Snowball Farm last week to finish Robbie’s summer qualification and came away with two 1st on scores of 76% & 74%!! There’s no stopping that boy!!!! The judge even thanked me for bringing him for her to judge!!!! Its not often you hear that!! This is all possible due to the generosity of Robbie’s owner Lynne Bennett, without owners I wouldn’t be able to partake in the sport that I love.

At the beginning of March I spent an afternoon at a Jon Pitts Fit to ride demo held at Moorwards Equestrian Centre, Iver. This is a fantastic new local facility that has just opened. Managed by Jodie Maile I am sure it is destined for great things. The Fit to ride demo was organized as part of the London Horse Network meeting, which is chaired by Jodie. The afternoon consisted of a really interesting chat from Jon on how we as riders are able to control and change our balance using his favourite object…..a giant blowup ball!!! You can imagine how that went!!!! I am happy to report I came away and have been practicing what I learnt on a couple of clients and myself, with great improvements! Plus a few very funny faces!!

That’s all folks, hopefully I’ll get back to you in a couple of weeks with some more exciting news to tell you. Who knows what the future holds!!!!



  1. Ali Wisbeach says:

    I don’t know which clients you ‘practiced on’ but presume they we’re at least vaguely ball shaped – you might have posted a picture ot two!! So pleased to see you competing the gorgeous Robbie, he’s such a lovely boy! Also hooray for Equine Essentials – we are big fans. They’re so helpful and what they haven’t got they will get. Here’s to a great 203 to you all, not forgetting Robbies proud mum!!!

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